Regulatory Information

Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003

The above-mentioned regulations have made it necessary for all music agents in the UK to adopt new working practices.

The requirements set out in the Regulations are fairly inflexible and require that all music agents provide terms of business, in writing, to each artiste, as well as to each promoter or booker or venue with whom they deal.

The Regulations set out the matters that must be covered in those Terms of Business. Non-compliance with the Regulations is a criminal offence.

The Regulations and the guide to the Regulations can be found at:

The guide has been produced by the Department of Trade and Industry together with the Actors’ Union, Equity.

The Terms of Business cover those terms set out in the Regulations that we are required to provide order to comply with these Regulations. All definitions and Additional Terms are set out in the documents listed below.

· Standard Terms and Conditions of Business: Promoter or Booker/Venue

· Standard Terms and Conditions of Business: Artistes

· Promoter, Booker, Venue records

These can be requested at any time by emailing